The Outram MRT Station

This incident happens back in the night of 1996...

I was meeting a friend, Jennie at the KFC in Pearl Center at that time. We chatted the whole night and decided to call it a day as KFC was closed for the day and that was about 11pm. We walked to Outram MRT station. 

The MRT station was pretty quiet at that time, presumably due to the low human traffic in People's Park at that time. On reaching the station, we have some parting words above the station before going down the escalator. We were facing the SGH towards the right of the station. 

A man walked up the escalator on my right and walking hurriedly towards Pearl Center. Followed behind is an old lady, wearing a flowery blue cheong-sam. She was carrying a glossy black bag. Her make-up was thick and that made her face look pale. She was walking pretty slowly up from the escalator. On reaching the platform, she stopped there right after the escalator. She was kind of on our right. She stared very hard at that man walking towards the Pearl Center.

As I am busy talking to Jennie, I didn't bother with her. Well, I have to go and so Jennie parted. As the escalator going down the control station is on my left, I decided to walk down the stairs on my right instead (where the escalator is coming up).

As I was walking down the stairs, I heard high-heel steps walking down slowly as well. As I glanced my left, I saw the blue reflection on the stainless steel railing. I thought to myself, maybe that old lady got to the wrong station and decided to get back into the train.

At the half-way landing, I could still hear her slow but steady heels. I continued my steps. As I reach the control level, I realized that the sound of the heels were gone. I turned back and couldn't see anyone. I was puzzled but then I didn't think twice.

The second day while chatting with Jennie, I casually mentioned to her about the old lady that was standing on our right in the MRT station the other night. She was shocked and silenced. Then she said that when we are in the station at that time, she only saw a man coming up from the escalator and that there wasn't any old lady during our that time (which is about 10 min)...

Anyone has any encounters in Outram MRT?

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